Citizen Action of New York is a grassroots membership organization taking on big issues that are at the center of transforming American society.
Case Studies
Whitewater NZ is the national organisation representing recreational whitewater canoeing and kayaking in New Zealand. Their purpose is to preserve New Zealand's whitewater resources and enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.
The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) is new political party striving for a progressive people's democracy, the type of democracy that will ensure all Rwandans are able to freely live in their country without fear and enjoy all their rights. DGPR main goal is to bring about a real "genuine and authentic" political opposition in the country.
The European Green Party is a trans-national political party having as its members Green parties from European countries.
The Asia Pacific Green Network (APGN) is a federation of national Green parties, social and environmental organizations from countries across Asia and Oceania.
The African Greens Federation is a coalition of political Green Parties and Green Movements in Africa.
We migrated the old African Greens site over to Drupal as part of the same Domain Access system that we developed for the Global Greens. This leaves the option open for the African Greens to make use of the CiviCRM system that is wired in to the multi-site set up if and when they desire.
The Global Greens is the partnership of the world’s Green parties and political movements.
Washington CAN! is the state’s largest grassroots community organization with over 35,000 members. They work to achieve racial, social, and economic justice in our state and nation.
For the 2010 election the Australian Greens needed more from their Drupal and CiviCRM installations.
We completely reworked the website based on the concept/design by MakeBelieve. A supporters' wall was built, Facebook and Twitter content was streamed in.
Maine People's Alliance undertakes grassroots organizing and education that reaches more than 100,000 Mainers each year with direct personal contact and quality leadership development work.
They approached Fuzion to migrate their substantial but out-dated contact data system to CiviCRM.
MPA make strong use of the WalkList and PhoneBanking systems that CiviCRM offers and our work with them has resulted in major improvements to CiviCRM particularly in the area of reporting.
AFS NZ originally need a site for their Alumni to help rebuild connections, fundraise, organise events and conferences. There were also requirements for a library of old press articles on students exchanges.
This was followed by a request to provide them a similarly themed Pasikifa site.
This involved setting both Drupal sites to work with a single CiviCRM database.