Oceanswatch are international not-for-profit organisation that works with sailors, scientists and the public to help coastal communities to conserve their environments, develop sustainable livelihoods and adapt to the effects of climate change.They respond to the requests of communities… more
The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) is new political party launched on 14thAugust 2009 at Hotel Laico (Ex-Novotel) Kigali.DGPR main goal is to bring about a real "genuine and authentic" political opposition in the country. It plans to win broad support through actualizing its main objective… more
Prosper Australia is a non government organisation inspired by economic efficiency and social justice. They contribute evidence and perspective to the national economic debate. In researching land and taxation issues, they call upon a multi-disciplinary team of economists, econometricians, land… more
Permaculture in New Zealand (Inc) is the oldest national permaculture organisation in the world. Currently the main activities of PiNZ are facilitating the annual national hui, producing a quarterly newsletter, and maintaining the website. Permaculture in New Zealand's… more
The New Zealand Ecological Society was formed in 1951 to promote the study of ecology and the application of ecological knowledge in all its aspects. Through its activities, the not-for-profit society encourages ecological research, increases awareness and understanding of ecological principles,… more
The Ngāti Tamaoho rohe (area of interests) extends from north of the Tamaki Isthmus to south of the Waikato River, to the Whangamarino wetlands. It extends from the West Coast to the Hauraki Gulf/Firth of Thames. Its interests are concentrated in the Manukau lowlands, Āwhitu Peninsula, Papakura,… more
ISN, also called, GreenYourope, is the grassroots' network of the European Green Party. They believe in democratic unions of nations that, firmly rooted in civil society, address all challenges that are too big to handle on a national scale. They believe that the European Union, as a… more
FYEG is the European umbrella organisation for Young Green organisations from all over the European continent. Their 42 member organisations comprise various backgrounds: local ecological groups, student unions, youth wings of Green parties and Green Youth NGOs. In addition, they are also the… more
Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (ECO) is New Zealand's national network working to protect our environment.ECO works to protect New Zealand’s unique natural heritage and to foster the relationship New Zealanders have with it. The natural environment is central to… more
The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) is a federation of national Green parties, social and environmental organisations from countries across Asia and Oceania for realising the Global Greens Charter, whose values are:Social JusticeSustainabilityNon-violenceParticipatory DemocracyRespect for… more
The African Greens Federation is a coalition of political Green Parties and Green Movements in Africa.The African Greens Federation-AGF, was officially launched on 17th April 2010, during the African Greens Congress held in Kampala Uganda. AGF is also known as La Federation des Verts Africains –… more
Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. They are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.They want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or… more
CAN is New Zealand's national network of cycling advocates. They work with government, local authorities, businesses and the community on behalf of cyclists, for a better cycling environment.CAN aims to:Promote the benefits of cyclingImprove safety for cyclistsEncourage the creation of a good… more
The European Green Party is a European political party that is also known as the European Greens. They bring together national parties that share the same Green values, and who are active across the entire European continent - both within the European Union and beyond. They are striving for a… more
This project began from a need to integrate a Mambo 'library' and a hand-crafted html site.The migration was simplified through the use of modules including Views Bulk Operations to help with reclassifying the old cataloguing system in to one that made sense under the Drupal Taxonomy approach.… more
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