The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) is a federation of national Green parties, social and environmental organisations from countries across Asia and Oceania for realising the Global Greens Charter, whose values are:
- Social Justice
- Sustainability
- Non-violence
- Participatory Democracy
- Respect for Diversity
- Ecological Wisdom
The APGF operates through the:
- Congress: The general assembly meeting.
- Council: the governing body managing APGF's operations.
- Global Greens: The partnership of the world’s Green parties and political movements working cooperatively to implement the Global Greens Charter. The Global Greens are organised into four federations, in the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific, who work together to manage the Global Greens' development and each have three full and three alternate representatives serving in the Global Greens Coordination. The current APGF Full-representatives to the Global Greens are Keli Yen (Taiwan Green Party), Liaquat Ali Shaikh (Pakistan Green Party) and Suresh Nautiyal (Uttarakhand Parivartan Party, India). The alternates are Ballav Timalsina (Nepali Greens) and Masaya Koriyama (Greens Japan).
- Committees: focused on APGF organisational matters
- Action Groups: regionally based campaign groups
- Forum: an email list for communication among the APGF Community
- Young Greens Network (APYGN) - run by and for young Greens to mobilize their activisms on Green policies