Views Library

We did this a while back, and a question on StackExchange meant it was worth sharing.
Per a request in StackExchanged I cloned this View and cleaned it up in case it could help in their use case.  The view ensures the block shows activities Assigned to the logged in user.
Quickly built this to provide an example view for this question on Stack Exchange. Obviously the relationship types may need resetting to match which relationships are required. They should have Individual as Contact A and Organisation as Contact B.
This came up as a question for a civi report that could provide a pivot table for contacts created each month v the Source field. Having done most of these bits for other use cases I wanted to confirm this would work here.This View uses Aggregation feature in Views under Advanced and the Pivot… more
A StackExchange question asked how to provide a link to whatever was the latest newsletter. Seemed like a good fit for a View so tried one out. Here is the file. if it helps, let us know.
If you have the CiviCRM Entities module (2.x version)  and the Calendar module then in Views you should find that you can use "Add from template" and there is a template for Civi Event.Previous to the 2.x version of Entities the View needed hand crafting and there is an example… more
A request on StackExchange seemed like a good candidate for a View using Aggregation that would give a count of how many Memberships had changed from eg Grace to Expired in a particular period, and by Membership Type.Note that you may need to login or Masquerade as user/1 to get access to… more
Following on the blog by Eileen about using CiviCRM Entities and Views Bulk Operations (VBO) to update start/end dates of civi Relationships in bulk, another client asked for a quick solution for them confirming who attended an event. This was a free event, they had sent out invites, and wanted a… more
It has been possible to make batch changes to CiviCRM data using VBO (Views Bulk Operations) for a while but I only just got around to implementing it for a customer so I am taking the chance to document what I did here!The recipe is basically- install civicrm_entity version 2.x & vbo… more
I did this to help out on the CiviCRM Forum. It should show the logged in user any events they are registered for.The ingredients for the view recipe are (in short)View of type 'CiviCRM Participant'View Relationships of type CiviCRM Contacts: Drupal ID (which connects the Participant to the… more
In many cases, such as for the European Greens, we want to create Drupal pages for some contacts, in their case Parties, so that we can pull together both a collection of information about the contact from Civi, and display related Drupal content, such as News items about the Party. You can see an… more
The European Greens (and other clients since) wanted to have blocks showing News items relating to their Party pages, so that for example a news item that 'node references' Die Grunen would show up on the page about Die Grunen.The concept is simple enough and can be handled in Views but requires a… more
This has come up repeatedly on the Civi Forums and in this case International Mountain Biking Association needed one for Drupal 6, so I thought I would quickly share a Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 solution as a starting point for others.The block is built from a View based on 'memberships' and… more